How wonderful it is to open my eyes and know I have been given another day of life. As I always do first thing in the morning upon awakening, I walked to the patio door and opened the drapes. I was so surprised when they were opened.The fog was so thick I couldn't see farther than my patio. I hated to shut the drapes again, hate the closed in feeling I get. I prefer sunlight streaming through my windows, and want my doors open for as long as they can be left open. Of course now that the weather is getting so cold I'll not be able to leave them open, or my windows either, doggone it.
HOLIDAYS- They arrived pretty quickly didn't they? I wish they weren't so close to each other. Still, I do love how the holidays bring people closer; how it seems to make people more open to sharing with others, which is a wonderful thing.|
MY son Christopher, like his dad, loves to cook, and now that his dad is no longer with us he has been doing most of the holiday cooking. I miss being able to do all of it like I once did, but am grateful for what little I can still do. What I miss the very most is being able to bake six to eight loaves of Cranberry Bread. I always set one aside for my oldest son to take to his barber shop. He used to say if he didn't have one to take there he never got any. That's how it is on holidays. Right? Everybody has their favorites.
I started this post out early this morning, while enjoying my morning coffee. But every time I'd start typing again the phone rang or the doorbell. I finally gave up, decided to watch a little television, and do a crossword puzzle before trying again.
A few hours have passed since I worked the puzzle, and i stil have a ringing doorbell, and..the phone is starting up again. DRAT!!!

Tomorrow I'll be going through recipes, looking for something new to make for the holidays. I love trying new things, though now it takes me a long time to do anything. Still, when it comes to cooking I'll keep trying.
Before closing I thought I'd share a recipe my Johnny really loved. Once he tasted it he wanted me to make it as often as he could talk me into it. I made it a lot, because as you can see, it's not a complicated recipe; is easy, and doesn't require much time.
Frozen Cherry Salad
1 jar-18 oz., dark, sweet cherries
1 can 11 oz. manderin oranges
1 can- 8 3/4 oz. pineapple chunks
1 pkg - 8 oz. Philadelphia Cream Cheese
1 cup Sour Cream
1/4 cup sugar
2 cups miniature marshmellows
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
Drain all fruit; reserve some cherries and orange slices to use for garnish. Set fruit aside.
In medium size bowl, beat cream cheese till fluffy. Blend in the sour cream, sugar and salt.
Next, fold in fruit, marshmellows and nuts.
Spoon into an 8 1/2 by 4 /12 inch loaf pan, then place in freezer for six hours.
Unmold and garnish with reserved cherries and orange slices.
Well, it has been a very long day. I am going to fix myself some tea or hot chocolate and relax for the rest of the evening. Good night. May your dreams be sweet.
Love you much.
How lovely to see yet another post in a row from you. Your recipe sounds wonderful. My children have taken over the holidays here as my home is too small to hold us all anymore. It's wall to wall people and we just added another grandchild this year. Every one takes something to add to the banquet of food and it's all so good. I'm looking forward to the times we can be together. That is what is important.
I too used to love entertaining Barb,but alas those days are gone now.I just cannot do it any more.So I have to sit back and hope I get invited out to be entertained now.I have done my share over the years,so it is now time for a rest,shall we say.Johnny's lovely recipe sounds delicious Mmmm !!!.Thank you for sharing your lovely words once more.OH! and we have had the nasty fog all week too. I like you Barb,much prefer the sunshine beaming in through the window.Take Care.God Bless Kath xx
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