Tuesday, December 6, 2011

First Impressions

People matter to me so I go out of my way to understand them; to learn what makes them happy, angry, sad, disappointed, hopeful, depressed, or fearful. I try to learn what makes them feel good about themselves, hate themselves, get to the point that they want to give up. I like to know why some people are so successful, while others struggle just to make ends meet; like to know why some individuals have dreams and set goals, while others set no goals, don't even have a dream.
What I know about people, including myself, is that their inside seldom matches their outside. It is wise to look behind angry words. An angry person is usually a hurting person. A smile doesn't always mean a person is happy, tears don't always mean a person is sad.
     People who don't cry are sometimes seen as too emotional. But quite often it's simply their way of keeping strong. It happens sometimes, that if you've cried openly, shared that deep sorrow, and got put down for it, were criticized and ridiculed, you no longer cry; or if you do, it is when you are alone. As well, many hurting people are afraid to let themselves cry; believing that once they start they might not be able to stop.

We all influence somebody at some point in our lives, but may not realize it. And, on the other side of the coin- we are influenced by another person's confidence, their strong faith, their talent, perhaps just their ability to express themselves. We're influenced by those who climbed to the top, when others failed to believe they'd be able too.

People wear masks; pretending to be happy, when they aren't, pretending to be alright, when inside, they are falling apart. They pretend to be satisfied with their looks, but in reality hate themselves, always wishing they were different.

People pretend to be strong because others tell keep telling them how strong they are. It never occurred to them to just be honest and say."Look, I"m not feeling strong
today." They may be feeling  afraid, insecure, lost and misplaced, or worse, losing the desire to live. Many people would find it difficult to say, "Could you stay with me for a little while, or call me? I'm really struggling today, could use some help."

People have become cautious, find it difficult to trust any more. Our world has become a dangerous place, is filled with violence, and threats of violence. People,  being fearful,  withdraw, too many, making a fortress out of their home. They are too fearful to venture out.
Their comfort zones have shrunk. Where once it covered a huge amount of space- it now covers  home, to the store, to a relatives house, a doctor maybe, and to church. Some people are afraid to even enjoy their front yards. It is wise to be cautious, but a mistake, I believe, to let those who are evil have such control over lives. Bad things happen to good people too.

 Shared this because it is the holiday season; a time for sharing our love, our friendship, as well as food, and perhaps shelter for somebody. So many people, even in our own neighborhoods, could use some support, an invitation to a meal, a home visit, an unexpected email, a letter of encouragement. We all have something to share. I hope this day finds each of you doing well, in reasonably good health, in touch with family and friends, and remembering how unique- how special you are.

Have an awesome day. And don't forget that life is short, so create a beautiful memory.



I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Sharing a kind word and a SMILE is something we can all do and it does so often mean so much to so many. Not everyone is happy this time of year but maybe that is because they expect too much. I've learned to be content with whatever my circumstances are and there have been many in my life that I'd like to repeat but I know that each day there is a reason I'm here and that every thing happens for a purpose so I'm just so glad I'm here and thankful for the gift of each day.
Hope all is going well with you. Sending lots of Love and Hugs your way.

Sandy said...

Thank you for sharing your heart of love and spreading joy during this, the season of joy and love. I appreciate it.

Rjet33 said...

I read a beautiful quote today that kind of goes along with this entry.
"God has given us two hands--one to receive with and the other to give with."--Reverend Billy Graham